Fall, Play & Improvise

Play-Fight meets Contact Improvisation

This workshop is for all of us who love to play. Connected to our inner state we can dare to fall fully into ourselves from moment to moment and encourage others to do the same, eventually meeting in the dance. We will move through and beyond physicality, by practicing Contact Impro & Play-Fight principles by Formless Arts.

Open level.

Facilitation: Ester Braga & Christian Lechner
Dates: 2020 November 21-22, saturday 10.30-5.30pm, optional evening jam 6-8pm, sunday 10-5pm
Place: close to Vienna/St. Andrä Wördern
Costs: 190€
Registration: christian@wegezurfuelle.net

Workshop Facilitation

Ester Braga

Ester’s background of experiences mainly interconnects intensive training in contemporary dance and floor-work, contact improvisation, instant composition with her later studies into yoga and somatic practices. Since 2014 she has been diving deep into Bruno Caverna’s work through the practices of Liquid Body and Play-Fight. This encounter gave her the ground for the integration of the movement experiences had until that moment, gradually acquiring important tools for the application of the core principles into everyday life. Ester currently works for Formless Arts (founded by Bruno Caverna) while training consistently into Play-Fight on the path to become facilitator and also passionately researching the interconnections, differences and mutual empowerment between Play-Fight and Contact Improvisation.

Christian Lechner

After some years of Capoeira Angola, WingTsun, Yoga and Improvisation Dance, Christian joined 2008 a Contact Jam and felt in love with this artful, acrobatic, soft and gentle, sometimes wild unknown dance and communication form. Since 2015 he is teaching Contact Improvisation and Authentic Movement in Vienna.

Main research: What is an Authentic Dance? How can we find and develop all our qualities in the dance and therefore in life itself? Cooperative, confrontative, connected, real.

Besides of that he teaches Non Violenct or Authentic Communication and lives with his partner Irma and their 2 kids close to Vienna.

Kontakt: christian@wegezurfuelle.net

Video with Ester & Christian

Play-Fight & Contact Improvisation (2min)


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